About Console Security & Matt Harrigan

consolesecurity.com is an experiment by Matt Harrigan in using autonomous agents to gather interesting news about cybersecurity happenings worldwide. It analyzes multiple threat networks, threat intelligence and news sources, chunks that data into parseable blocks, and utilizes a variety of AI engines in order to prioritize content development that is either based on pre-existing content or data that the engine finds autonomously. 

In other words, the point of this is really to prove that you can hit #1 in the SERPs by writing a little bit of Python. There is the distinct possibility that this upsets someone, but if you’re that person, I’d just like to point out that the world is certainly not in any shortage of things to be legitimately upset about, so maybe try one of those instead, or submitting content about a story you’d like to see me/my robot write. I’d also add that if you’re still upset about the Trump post from 2016, that you go back and re-read everything I wrote and see if I mentioned Donald Trump -at all-. There, now maybe you get the joke.

A bit about me – I’m the PacketSled guy from 2016 if that’s what you’d like to know, but more importantly, I’ve been in infosec since day 1, and have started a variety of firms in the cybersecurity space. Some I started as CEO, some as co-founder, some have been flops, some are big successes. I started out by finding bugs in code / operating systems a long time ago. Some people will remember this, but I’m the OG snazzy shirt guy:

Matt Harrigan, circa 1997, looking cool, as prescribed by the photographer. In reality, Im standing on a dumpster.

The secret to success in cybersecurity is cool shirts and glasses.

Contacting Me

You can ping me on LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/harrigan

You can also reach me through my personal website, at matt-harrigan.com